Dec 25, 2019
Dan, Kate, and Chad celebrate the season, and add a little Xmas mythology of their own.
Dec 24, 2019
It's December 24th and Dan, Kate and Chad are camped near the
fireplace next to a comically large Xmas Tree in footie pajamas and
silly elf hats.
Our Xmas Eve hang out episode! Check your Podcatcher tomorrow
morning. ;D
Dec 21, 2019
Dan, Kate and Chad watch the third movie in an Xmas Trilogy
During the summer we agreed to each take one movie in a trilogy and
review it.
Dan took the first.
Kate took the second.
And Chad... did nothing.
Now they must watch it together and reverse engineer the trilogy from the...
Dec 13, 2019
Dan, Kate, and Chad actually forgot to upload this amnesia-themed Xmas. I can't believe we did it for this one specifically either. Anyway, here it is.
Dec 6, 2019
Dan, Kate and Chad discover key secrets combing two parallel
timelines into one mighty conflict, one might say the Conflict of
the Christmas Kingdoms. It all makes sense now.
The dots are connecting.
The stars are aligning.
We know the secrets.
We are coming.